

5 methods for treating acne scars Deep

Ariffiandika Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Acne is a skin disease that is independent of any serious skin type, age or sex of a person. In many cases heal without scarring, and permanent in the case of severe inflammatory and cystic acne scars are often left out. These scars may seem very old to give your skin and the skin can also loseits elasticity over time.
That is, the scars can also change your mind and personality of each. There are two main causes of acne scars. The first is the increase of tissue formation is to build collagen in the skin. They are known as keloid scars. And 'the view that, in general, genetic keloids. The second cause is the loss in the formation of tissues. These scars are more common. Also, there are different types of acne scars, acne scars, atrophic spots,superficial and deep soft scars and depressed fibrotic scars.
There are many popular methods for acne scars to heal. 5 methods of treatment success for acne scars are:
chemical peels: These peels are useful for the treatment of only small and kind of small scars. They are not useful in the treatment of scars, pimples or deep roots.
Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is a sophisticated method for deep rooted acne scars treated and, in combination with the punch excision, can also handlesmaller type of acne scars. In this method, the skin is physically removed, so that after the method that requires adequate rest.
Laser treatment: this is a relatively new method for the treatment of scars, acne, but very effective. Here the light rays are passed over the skin to kill the defective cells. The method should be treated with great success, and the complex form of scars.
Collagen injection: This treatment means in principle and for leveling the surface of the skin leads to the normal level. It injects proteins into the human body and fills the area left by a deeply superficial type of acne.
TRANSFER autologous fat: nodulocystic Scars caused by acne are treated with this method. Here the fat from other body parts are cut out and injected into areas where deep holes left by acne.
But before going for one of these acne scar treatments, you should first consult a dermatologist. Since it is very important to use the> The treatment is most suitable for your type of acne scars. And the dermatologist is the only person who gives you the best advice on this issue.



Perpisahan bukanlah akhir dari sebuah perjalanan hidup. Semua harus tetap berjalan, tak peduli penuh penyesalan dan kesedihan. Mungkin aku menanti, mungkin cinta telah mati, atau mungkin cinta sejati, tapi saat sendiri kehidupan harus terus dijalani dengan sepenuh hati.

Undangan itu, bukan berarti ku tak lagi mencintaimu. Bukan pula berarti ku tak mencintai dengan ia yang inisial namanya dirangkai dengan inisial namaku. Dulu pun aku tak mengerti, bahwa cinta sejati bisa tetap tersimpan, sambil terus berjalan menyongsong masa depan.

Pada akhirnya, cinta sejati hanya dapat dirasakan oleh yang mengalami. Sebab hati punya kita sendiri, sebab hidup harus terus dijalani.



Ariffiandika Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
I don't know, but I believe

That some things are meant to be

And that you'll make a better me

Everyday I love you
I never thought that dreams came true

But you showed me that they do

You know that I learn something new

Everyday I love you

'Cos I believe that destiny

Is out of our control (don't you know that I do)

And you'll never live until you love

With all your heart and soul.

It's a touch when I feel bad

It's a smile when I get mad

All the little things I am

Everyday I love you

Everyday I love you

Everyday I love you

'Cos I believe that destiny

Is out of our control (don't you know that I do)

And you'll never live until you love

With all your heart and soul

If I asked would you say yes?

Together we're the very best

I know that I am truly blessed

Everyday I love you

And I'll give you my best

Everyday I love you


Listen To Your Heart This Valentine's Day

Ah, Valentine's Day. That day of the year when love is in the air, flowers are delivered, and cards are exchanged. February, and specifically Valentine's Day, has been known for romance for as long as we can remember. Characterized by Cupid, red hearts and St. Valentine himself, Valentine's Day is a favorite of both men and women.

Although historians dispute the origin of Valentine's Day (the Catholic Church,for example, recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus), there can be no question that Valentine's Day is an important holiday to most Americans. Ever since Pope Gelasius declared February 14 to be St. Valentine's Day in 498 AD, this holiday has been a part of history.

But February isn't known just for candy hearts and heart-shaped cards. Unfortunately, February is also known for heart disease and heart attacks.

In stark contrast to cute little candies and Valentine's cards, heart disease is serious business. Women's heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States, and one out of every three women will die of heart disease. It's not just women who are feeling the impact of heart attack symptoms: "the incidence of heart failure jumped 14 percent between 1970 and 1994" in senior adults (source: UPI; ArcaMax Publishing Inc.)

No fewer than six heart-related educational programs are promoted in February:
1. American Heart Month, sponsored by the American Heart Association
2. Cardiac Rehabilitation Week (Valentine's week)
3. Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day (Valentine's Day)
4. Have-A-Heart Day (Valentine's Day)
5. Heart Health Month
6. Women's Heart Health Day, National (3rd Friday of February in week of Valentine's Day)

Women and men alike are stricken each year with irregular heart beats, congestive heart failure, heart murmurs, heart palpitations, enlarged hearts and multiple other heart problems. However, there are steps that, if taken, will dramatically lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

To increase heart health, follow these recommendations:
1. Avoid smoking and "secondhand smoke." 
2. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes every day. 
3. Eat a heart healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, such as vegetable oils and omega-3 fatty acids. 
4. Maintain a body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9 and an abdominal circumference of less than 35 inches. 
5. Keep your blood pressure below 120/80 mm Hg and your total cholesterol below 200 mg/dL.
(Source: Harvard Health Publications; Harvard Medical School; 2-1-2006)

Arguably, the most important of these recommendations is the advice to exercise regularly. "Heart disease is almost twice as likely to develop in inactive people than in those who are more active" (source: National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute). Exercise helps minimize the risk of heart disease by controlling blood lipids, diabetes and obesity. Regular exercise has also been proven to help to lower blood pressure.

But just any old workout won't necessarily impart the benefits that are so vital for heart health. Physical activity must be of the right intensity, frequency and duration to increase the fitness of the heart. In other words, heart healthy exercise must be vigorous enough that it makes your heart beat faster. Specifically, your heart rate must increase to the point that it is in the targetheart rate zone, and it must stay there for at least twenty consecutive minutes per session.

Target heart rates differ from person to person, depending on factors such as age and level of physical fitness. Many exercise enthusiasts choose to wear a heart rate monitor to help them gauge whether or not they're in their target heart rate zone during their workout. For more information on your own personal target heart rate, and whether or not your current exercise regiment is strengthening your heart, speak with your physician or the staff at yourlocal health club.

Being proactive by eating right, exercising regularly, and not smoking will go a long way towards protecting your heart. You'll enjoy a longer, healthier, happier life.....and isn't that the best gift you can give your Valentine this year?
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